Internal Control

  • 详情 Embedded CPC Governance and Disclosure Quality: Evidence from Chinese Private Firms
    Chinese companies have a distinctive feature by embedding Communist Party of China (CPC) into governance structure. In this study, we examine the impact of embedded CPC governance on disclosure quality in Chinese private firms. We find that embedded CPC governance improves disclosure quality. We also document that internal control mediates the relationship between embedded CPC governance and disclosure quality. Further analyses show that our results are pronounced for private firms with greater peer pressure, stronger industry competition, and poorer information environments. Overall, our findings aid our understanding of the role of embedded CPC in influencing disclosure practices in private enterprises.
  • 详情 The Effect of Executive Team Heterogeneity on Firms' Total Factors of Production: Evidence from China
    This paper explores the impact of the three kinds of heterogeneity of the executive team on the enterprise's total factor productivity and the mechanism of the impact of the heterogeneity of the executive team on the enterprise's total factor productivity, with the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies in China as the research samples in the period of 2010-2022. The final results of the study found that (1) the heterogeneity of the professional background of the executive team, the heterogeneity of the overseas experience, and the heterogeneity of the financial background of the military contribute to the increase in the total factor productivity of the enterprise. (2) Improving the financial flexibility of the enterprise, improving the quality of the internal control of the enterprise, and improving the research and development and innovation of the enterprise are effective paths for the rise in the level of the enterprise's total factor productivity.
  • 详情 Real Earnings Management, Corporate Governance and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China
    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to provide additional insights on the association between real earnings management (REM) and crash risk, particularly from the perspective of an emerging market economy. It also examines the moderation role that internal and external corporate governance may play in this area. Design/methodology/approach – Relying on archival data from the RESSETand CSMAR databases over a timeframe from 2010 to 2018 of China listed company, the authors test the hypotheses by regressing common measures of crash risk on the treatment variable (REM) and crash risk control variables identified in the prior crash risk literature. The authors also introduce monitoring proxies (internal controls as an internal governance and institutional ownership as an external governance) and assess how effective internal and external governance moderate the relation between REM and stock price crash risk. Findings – The results suggest firms with higher REM have a significantly greater stock price crash risk, and that this association is mitigated by external monitoring. That is, greater institutional ownership, particularly pressure insensitive owners, mitigates the impact of REM on stock price crash risk. However, internal control does not mitigate the association between REM and stock price crash risk. Originality/value – Following the passage of the Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) Act, prior research has documented an increase in the use of REM and a positive association between REM and cash risk. The authors demonstrate that they persist in one of the largest emerging markets where institutional regulations, market conditions and corporate behaviors are different from those in developed markets. Also, the assessment of the moderation effect of internal and external governance mechanisms could have meaningful implications for investors and regulators in Chinese and other emerging markets.
  • 详情 Digital Finance's Impact on Corporate Stock Price Crash Risk: The Mediating Roles of Digital Transformation and ESG Performance
    This paper examines the effects of digital finance and corporate stock price crash risk, and the underlying mechanisms, using panel data from Chinese A-share listed companies between 2012 and 2021. Specifically, we focus on whether digital transformation and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance are intermediary channels through which digital finance mitigates corporate stock price crash risk. By employing panel regression and mediation effect models, we demonstrate that digital finance significantly reduces corporate stock price crash risk. This conclusion remains robust after a series of robustness tests, including the replacement of core explanatory variables, lagging digital finance by one period, using alternative dependent variables, applying the instrumental variables method, and system GMM estimation. More importantly, we find that digital finance curbs stock price crash risk by enhancing digital transformation and ESG performance. In addition, we reveal that digital finance has heterogeneous effects on corporate stock price crash risk. The inhibitory effect of digital finance on stock price crash risk is more pronounced in the central and western regions of China and for companies with lower internal control levels, higher information transparency, and higher financing constraints.
  • 详情 Blockchain+Audit: An Important Tool for Enterprise Internal Control and Risk Management
    Establishing a comprehensive risk management system and establishing a sound and effective internal control mechanism are important conditions for the survival and healthy development of enterprises. Enterprises should continue to innovate their internal control mechanisms, continuously improve and strengthen their internal control and risk management functions, continuously improve their internal control effectiveness, and assist in high-quality development of enterprises. The article elaborates that the digital transformation of auditing helps to achieve internal audit goals and improve the effectiveness of internal control; Blockchain technology, due to its excellent characteristics of distributed decentralization, authenticity, transparency, and tamper resistance, will help transform the methods of financial and accounting business and audit supervision; The application of blockchain technology in the field of auditing will inevitably lead to the reshaping of audit work models; Blockchain technology will become a trigger point for the audit revolution, comprehensively empowering audit and risk management work. The article introduces JD's blockchain ABS standardization solution, while Tencent and TCL Group's industrial blockchain solve the reliable transmission of trust and value at low cost, confirming that the close combination of blockchain technology with enterprise finance and auditing can assist internal control and play an important risk prevention and control role in enterprise operations. The "blockchain+audit" can achieve online real-time audit, risk assessment and warning, and data analysis becomes the core of audit content; Blockchain+auditing will become an important tool for internal control and risk management in enterprises.
  • 详情 Can CSR Mitigate Regional Negative Public Sentiment? Evidence from Major Violent Crimes in China
    In the information age, major negative events can spread quickly and affect investor perceptions and decisions. Selecting major violent crime events in China, we investigate the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in mitigating regional negative public sentiment. We find that the firms with better CSR performance have higher stock returns around the event day. We also find that investors react more positively for firms engaging in technical CSR activities (those targeting a firm’s primary stakeholders) than institutional CSR activities (those serving the public). Moreover, the effect is more pronounced for firms with better internal control quality and higher information transparency. Overall, this study documents a positive role of CSR in securing firm value in the face of negative public sentiment.
  • 详情 Research on Innovation in Internal Control and Risk Management of Financial Enterprises in the Digital Intelligence Era
    Establishing a comprehensive risk management system and establishing a sound and effective internal control mechanism are important conditions for the survival and healthy development of financial enterprises. This paper analyzes the lessons of Société Générale's financial shock in Europe in 2008 due to the serious lack of internal control mechanism; Elaborated on the influencing factors and implementation paths of internal control in the digital intelligence era, pointed out the key points of constructing an internal control system under risk management in the digital intelligence era, and proposed the main methods and six major technologies of internal control in the digital intelligence era; This paper expounds that the audit Digital transformation is conducive to the realization of internal audit objectives and the improvement of internal audit efficiency. This paper introduces the main paths and key points of audit Digital transformation, and points out that intelligent audit is the major trend of future audit development; Introduced the application of digital twins in commercial bank auditing. It points out that the Digital transformation of audit is also the upgrading and transformation of organizations and talents, and it needs to vigorously cultivate and introduce audit professionals to support the smooth completion of the Digital transformation of audit. Financial enterprises should continue to innovate their internal control mechanisms, continuously improve and strengthen their internal control and risk management functions, continuously improve the effectiveness of internal control, and assist in the high-quality development of enterprises.
  • 详情 Local Fintech Development and Stock Price Crash Risk
    This study investigates the effect of financial technology (FinTech) development on stock price crash risk. We show that the development of FinTech can inhibit management from deliberately hiding bad news and alleviate information asymmetry, thereby reducing stock price crash risk. This effect is more pronounced among non-state-owned enterprises, firms with poor information environments and low-quality internal controls, and those in competitive industries and regions with high marketization. Overall, these findings suggest that the development of FinTech can mitigate the deliberate concealment of bad news by management and improve the timeliness of disclosure, leading to lower risks faced by investors.
  • 详情 How Does Mandatory Environmental Regulation Affect Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure Quality
    Environmental information disclosure is an effective way for corporate to fulfill environmental protection responsibilities and encourage environmental self-inspection and management. In this paper, we utilize the environment fee to tax reform implemented in 2018 as a quasi-experiment, to investigate the impact of mandatory environmental regulation change on firm environmental information disclosure quality. Using data from listed companies in China between 2015-2020, we found that the mandatary environment regulation positively affects the monetary and non-monetary environmental information disclosure in heavy polluting industries. We also found that, firms with higher environmental subsidies and market value tend to disclose more information. The mechanism analysis shows that external governance and internal control mediate the effect of mandatory environmental regulation on environmental information disclosure quality. Compared to a growing literature on voluntary regulation, our findings provide evidence emphasizing the role of mandatory regulation of government incentives in environmental improvement.
  • 详情 商业银行流动性风险监管的流变及在中国的实践
    本文针对商业银行流动性风险国际监管框架的演变,探讨监管重点与流动性风险变化的互动关系,从而梳理出国际流动性风险监管的目的、手段和发展趋势,进而研究其对我国流动性风险监管实践的影响。 本文从分析商业银行流动性风险的成因入手,指出其根源是银行存款和贷款业务所形成的期限错配,因此这种风险是银行在经营活动中难以避免的。流动性风险区别于银行面临的其他风险的主要表现是其低频率、高损失的特点,这使得银行一旦面临流动性危机的打击就很难在短时间内恢复过来,所以必须引起银行管理层和监管机构的重视。从20世纪90年代起单一的流动性指标监管方法已经逐渐被综合的流动性风险管理体系所取代,但各国之间尚存在较大差异。 本文对次贷危机前美国、英国和东亚各国的流动性风险监管框架作了横向比较。经过比较后发现,在流动性风险监管体系中,存在两种不同的方法,即定性方法和定量方法。前者偏重在制度层面对银行进行指导以提高其流动性风险管理能力,而后者则偏重以硬性指标客观计量和评估流动性风险,两者互有优劣,不可偏废。相对来说,英美国家因为金融制度比较完善、人才水平较高,其监管机构以使用定性方法为主;而东亚各国由于金融发展水平较低,产品结构简单,从业人员水平参差不齐,所以更偏好使用定量方法。 当各国金融监管机构还在为如何在定性方法和定量方法之间进行取舍的时候,美国次贷危机和之后席卷全球的金融危机不期而至,这大大加快了流动性风险管理理念和监管实践的发展速度。作为次贷危机的受害者,本文深入分析了英国北岩银行(Northern Rock plc)的挤兑危机案例,对危机背景、银行的经营特点、事件经过和后续影响都作了较为细致的论述,并指出银行自身流动性风险管理不善是形成危机的主要原因,这表现在不合理的资产负债结构、期限错配、利率缺口以及内部控制的缺失。尽管北岩银行管理层对于流动性危机的发生负有不可推卸的责任,但是监管失败的教训同样发人深省,这间接促成了巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,以下简称巴塞尔委员会)制定后危机时代的流动性风险监督管理新框架。 本文回顾了历年巴塞尔委员会制定的流动性风险监管文件,将其大致分为次贷危机前和次贷危机后两大类。本文指出,巴塞尔委员会早期制定的流动性监管框架已经很难适应飞速发展的国际金融形势,面临诸多迫切需要解决的问题,包括融资渠道的变化、资产证券化、复杂金融工具的泛滥、抵押品的广泛应用、支付结算系统和日内流动性需求以及跨境资金流。在这些问题中,很大部分也同样存在于危机前的北岩银行,因此危机的爆发带有某种必然性。巴塞尔委员会在次贷危机后发布的《流动性风险管理和监督稳健原则》和《第三版巴塞尔协议:流动性风险计量、标准和监测的国际框架》奠定了第三版巴塞尔协议下国际流动性风险监管新框架的基石。前者制定的17项流动性风险监管新原则和后者引入的流动性覆盖率(Liquidity Coverage Ratio,简称LCR)和净稳定资金比例(Net Stable Funding Ratio,简称NSFR)两大指标分别从定性方法和定量方法两方面完善了现有的流动性风险监管框架,这也反映了未来国际流动性风险监管的趋势。 正如在本文开篇提到的,流动性风险是银行不可避免的风险,对于中国银行业来说,也不能置身事外。经过分析我国银行业的流动性风险现状,笔者认为我国银行的资产负债结构仍属传统,偏重以存款作为融资来源、以贷款作为盈利来源,因此长期流动性风险不容忽视而短期流动性风险尚属可控。同时,不同类型商业银行的流动性风险来源也有所不同。此外,国内银行的流动性风险管理水平也有待提高。与巴塞尔协议类似,在次贷危机前后,我国的流动性风险监管框架也有了质的飞跃,这主要归功于中国银监会颁布的《中国银行业实施新监管标准的指导意见》、《商业银行流动性风险管理指引》和《商业银行流动性风险管理办法(试行)》(征求意见稿)。这些法规系统性地借鉴巴塞尔委员会的先进经验,辅以本地化的监测工具,从而形成了兼顾定性方法和定量方法的有中国特色的流动性风险监督管理新框架。 本文最后指出,无论是定性方法还是定量方法,在流动性风险监管中都起着举足轻重的作用,两者不可偏废。监管机构在设计流动性风险监管框架并实施现场或非现场监管时,应灵活运用定性方法和定量方法并结合压力情景评估银行的流动性风险,这样才能全面有效地实施流动性风险监管,避免系统性的流动性危机。另外,本文还建议我国监管机构在本地化国际流动性风险监管框架方面做更多尝试。 With respect to the evolution of the international supervision framework for commercial bank’s liquidity risk, this article aims to discuss the interaction between the regulatory focuses and the diversification of liquidity risk, in order to sort out the purposes, approaches and development trends of the international supervision on liquidity risk and their impacts on China’s supervision practice of liquidity risk. In regard to the causes of commercial bank’s liquidity risk, this article points out that the mismatch of maturity between the bank’s deposits and loans is the fundamental reason. Such risk is inevitable when conducting banking business. The features of liquidity risk (i.e. low frequency but extremely severe) distinguish itself from other risks that the bank faces, which hinders the bank from a quick recovery after being stricken by a liquidity crisis. Therefore, both the bank management and the regulators must draw their attentions to it. From 1990s, the monitoring method of single indicator has been gradually replaced with the comprehensive liquidity risk management system. However, there are still big variances between different countries. This article compares the framework for liquidity risk supervision between the United States, the United Kingdom and the East Asian countries prior to the subprime mortgage crisis. It is noted after comparison that there are two different approaches in the liquidity risk supervision system, namely the qualitative approach and the quantitative approach. The former emphasizes improving the bank’s liquidity risk management skill by guiding the bank from governance perspective, while the latter prefers measuring and evaluating the liquidity risk by means of objective indicators. Each of these two approaches has its pros and cons that neither should be overemphasized at the expense of the other. Relatively speaking, the Anglo-American countries prefer qualitative approaches due to their mature financial system as well as professional practitioners. By contrast, East Asian countries rely on quantitative approach because of their under-developing financial system, simple product structure and less experienced practitioners. When the financial regulators in various countries were still wondering whether to adopt the qualitative approach or the quantitative approach, the subprime mortgage crisis occurred in the United States and thereafter became a global financial crisis. This crisis accelerated the development of the management theory and the supervision practice of liquidity risk. This article analyzes the bank run on Northern Rock plc (the Bank) in the United Kingdom, a victim of the subprime mortgage crisis, by elaborating the crisis background, the business features of the Bank, the incident course as well as the subsequent impacts. The major cause of the bank run was the Bank’s own mismanagement of its liquidity risk, which included unbalanced structure of assets and liabilities, maturity mismatch, interest rate gap and ineffective internal control as well. Although the management of the Bank bore the ultimate responsibility for this liquidity crisis, the lesson of the supervision failure was thought-provoking. It also indirectly led to the renewed framework for the post-crisis liquidity risk management and supervision by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (the Basel Committee). This article reviews the historical documents of liquidity risk supervision that were formulated by the Basel Committee and divides them into two categories, i.e. before and after the subprime mortgage crisis. This article points out that the framework for liquidity risk supervision which was established by the Basel Committee at the early stage could no longer meet the rapid development of the international financial environment and faced many problems which need be solved urgently. These problems included the change of financing channels, asset securitization, misapplication of complex financial instruments, extensive use of collaterals, payment-settlement system, demand for intraday liquidity and cross-border cash flow. Northern Rock plc had most of these problems prior to its bank run crisis. Therefore, the crisis was with certain inevitability. After the subprime mortgage crisis, the Basel Committee issued “Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision” and “Basel III: International Framework for Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards and Monitoring” which laid the foundation of the renewed international framework for the liquidity risk supervision under Basel III. The former defines 17 new principles of liquidity risk supervision whilst the latter introduces two key indicators, i.e. the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR). Both of the two foundational documents improve the existing framework for liquidity risk supervision from qualitative and quantitative aspects respectively. They also reflect the trends of international liquidity risk supervision. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the liquidity risk is inevitable to all banks including the China’s banks. Based on the analysis of the status quo of the Chinese banks’ liquidity risk, the author draws the conclusion that the structures of assets and liabilities of the China’s banks are traditional, i.e. the deposits are the source of financing while the loans are the source of profit. Hence, their long-term liquidity risk cannot be ignored whilst their short-term liquidity risk is still under control. In addition, the liquidity risk management skills of the China’s banks need further improvement. Similar to the Basel Accord, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (the CBRC) promulgated “Guidance Opinions on the Implementation of the New Supervisory Standards of Basel III in China Banking Sector”, “Guidelines on Liquidity Risk Management for Commercial Banks” and “Administrative Measures on Liquidity Risk Management for Commercial Banks (Trial) (Draft for Consultation)” right after the subprime mortgage crisis, which made great improvement in the framework for liquidity risk supervision in China. By referring to the advanced experiences of the Basel Committee, together with the help of the localized monitoring tools, these regulations forms a new framework for liquidity risk management and supervision with Chinese characteristics which takes into account both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Finally, this article reminds that both the qualitative and quantitative approaches play equally important roles in the field of liquidity risk supervision that neither of them is dispensable. When designing the framework for liquidity risk supervision and conducting the on-site or off-site inspections, the regulators should apply flexibility in the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches and attach importance to the stress scenarios to assess the bank’s liquidity risk. By this means, comprehensive and effective supervision on liquidity risk can be achieved to prevent systemic liquidity crisis. Furthermore, it is suggested that the domestic regulators should make more efforts to localize the international framework for liquidity risk supervision.